💻 Usage

Run catnap in you terminal:

$ catnap

This will use the default config files

Change the distro icon:

$ catnap -d <distro>

This will use the specified distro logo as long as it is in the distros.toml file.

Check the current version:

$ catnap -v

This will show the commit hash your version of catnap is built on.

Get a list of arguments:

$ catnap --help

Get the stats value:

$ catnap -g <stat>

This will output the value of the stat to standard output.

Change the location of the config.toml file

$ catnap -c <path>

Tip: By default, Catnap will use the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/catnap/config.toml or ~/.config/catnap/config.toml if the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set.

Change the location of the distros.toml file

$ catnap -a <path>

Tip: By default, Catnap will use the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/catnap/distros.toml or ~/.config/catnap/distros.toml if the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME environment variable is not set.

$ catnap -m <margin>

The format for the margin is: x,x,x (where x is a number)

Change the layout

$ catnap -l <layout>

This changes the layout of the logo or stats

Available layouts:

  • StatsOnTop
  • ArtOnTop
  • Inline

Enable or disable Figlet logos

$ catnap -fe <on/off>
$ catnap -fm <matgin>

The format for the margin is: x,x,x (where x is a number)

Changes the font used for Figlet

$ catnap -ff <font file>

Tip: You will need a Figlet font file for this option, otherwise it will error out. You can get font files at http://www.figlet.org/fontdb.cgi