🖼️ ImageMode Configuration

File: config.toml

The [misc.imageMode] section is used to configure the ImageMode feature, which lets you display an image instead of ASCII Art inside of you terminal.

NOTE: For this to work, the dependency viu has to be installed.


To enable or disable figletLogos, just set the enable variable to true/false.

enable = true 


This variable is used to define the absolute image path to the image which should be displayed.

path = "/home/user/Pictures/foo.png"


Use this config variable to set the scale of the image.

scale = 20


The margin variable is used to set the top, left and right margins of the Image.

For example: margin = [3, 3, 4]

        :         ╭────────────╮
        :         │ > user     │
        :         │ > hname    │
   ╭─────────╮    ├────────────┤
   │         │    │ > uptime   │
   │   FOO   │    │ > distro   │
   │   PNG   │    │ > pac      │
...|         |....│ > shell    │
   ╰─────────╯    | > disk1    │
                  │ > disk2    │