🎨 Colors

Catnap's color system uses a ColorId, which is made up of the colors first and last letter, enclosed in characters that indicate the type of color.

Color Types:

  • Foreground Normal -> (#)
  • Foreground Bright -> {#}
  • Background Normal -> [#]
  • Background Bright -> <#>

NOTE: # Should be replaced by the color id.

Color IDs:

  • BLACK -> BK
  • RED -> RD
  • GREEN -> GN
  • YELLOW -> YW
  • BLUE -> BE
  • CYAN -> CN
  • WHITE -> WE

So, for example: {GN} translates to Foreground-Bright-Green.

To set the color to Default, use !DT!.

Tip: The colors are dependent on your terminal's colors.