🖌️ Distro Art

File: distros.toml

To create a new DistroArt object, add a new section to the file (replace distroname with the name of your distro):


Catnap's DistroArt objects have three possible keys.

  1. margin
  2. art
  3. alias


The margin key is used to define the top, left and right margins of the art. For example:

Art with margin = [0, 0, 0]

      /\      ╭────────────╮
     /  \     │ > uptime   │
    /\   \    │ > distro   │
   /      \   │ > shell    │
  /   ,,   \  │ > disk1    │
 /   |  |  -\ │ > disk2    │  
/_-''    ''-_\╰────────────╯

Art with margin = [3, 3, 3]

                   │ > uptime   │   
                   │ > distro   │    
          /\       │ > shell    │
         /  \      │ > disk1    │
        /\   \     │ > disk2    │
       /      \    ╰────────────╯
      /   ,,   \  
     /   |  |  -\   
    /_-''    ''-_\


The art key is used to define the ASCII-art for your distro. For example:

art = [


The alias key can be used to define alternate names that should also refer to the DistroArt Object.

Example in which 'test1' also refers to your new DistroArt object:

alias = "test1"

This is also used to define the default DistroArt object, which defines what art should be displayed by default.

To add more then one alias to an Distroart object, you can separate them by comma.

Example DistroArt object

alias = "test1"
margin = [3, 3 ,3]
art = [