🚩 Main Misc Configuration

File: config.toml

Border Style

The borderstyle variable determines the type of border the stats section will be enclosed in. Currently, Catnap supports 5 border styles:

  • line (The default border style.)
  • dashed
  • dotted
  • noborder
  • doubleline


Using the layout variable you can define how the logo and stats will be arranged.

  • Use Inline to place the logo and stats next to each other.
  • Use ArtOnTop to place the logo on top of the stats.
  • Use StatsOnTop to place the stats on top of the logo.
layout = "Inline"

In the example above, the logo and stats will be placed next to each other.

Stats Margin Top

The stats_margin_top dictates how many lines the StatsBlock will be placed down.

stats_margin_top is set to 3:

$ catnap
    : 3x
│ > user     │
│ > hname    │
│ > uptime   │
│ > distro   │
│ > shell    │
│ > packages │

stats_margin_top is set to 1:

$ catnap
    : 1x
│ > user     │
│ > hname    │
│ > uptime   │
│ > distro   │
│ > shell    │
│ > packages │

NOTE: This config variable is optional and can be removed.