🪡 Installing Catnap

Arch Linux

If you are using any Arch-based distro with access to the AUR, you can install the catnap-git package using your preferred AUR helper.

$ paru -S catnap-git

Build from source

1. Install all dependencies:

  • Required:

    • Build dependencies: nim, gzip
    • Runtime dependencies: pcre, usbutils
  • Optional:

    • figlet: For figlet logos mode.
    • viu: For image mode.
    • curl: For weather stat.
    • pciutils: For GPU stat.

2. Clone the official catnap repository:

git clone https://github.com/iinsertNameHere/catnap.git

3. Change dir into repository:

cd ./catnap

4. Run install using nim:

nim install

This will automatically build catnap and install it inside of your /usr/local/bin folder.

IMPORTANT: For the default icons to work, make sure you set a NerdFont as you terminal font. In addition, for the weather module to work, you will need a font that supports emojis.